

VAMED is one of the world's leading healthcare service providers based in Vienna. Diversity and appreciative, respectful interaction have a high priority in the company. With a learning program VAMED aims to further sensitize managers to unconscious prejudices in the recruitment process and inclusive management behavior.



Together we developed a modular learning concept that included digital or analogue workshops on "Inclusive Leadership" and "Bias in Recruiting."

With various eLearning nuggets, such as “Running More Inclusive Meetings” or “Biases in the Interview Process,” the participants were able to deepen their knowledge between and after the workshops.

Impact – The Client’s Voice

Impact – The Client’s Voice

With the actions we have taken, we have been able to raise awareness of these important issues among our leaders, and the training courses are now an integral part of leadership training in the company.

The cooperation with factor-D helped us achieve an important milestone, which was recognized externally. We received the Silver Diversity & Inclusion Award at the HR Inside Summit 2022 in the Imperial Palace.

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13 courses in up to 11 languages

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