- Campaigns & Engagement
Campaigns & Engagement
DEI is of global relevance, but its implementation should always be adjusted to the local context. Particularly in international companies, involving all employees can be challenging. We advise you on the development of specific, low-threshold campaigns and implement engagement initiatives for you, such as multiplier programs or focus groups. This is how we ensure that your diversity management is appreciative and inclusive.
Your benefit:
Promoting an inclusive organizational culture and strengthening employee attachment
Authentic and target group-oriented implementation of DEI
Transfer and dissemination of DEI to local or hard-to-reach target groups
Stronger identification of employees with DEI (development of "ownership")
All products Implementation
The implementation of successful diversity management can initially seem like a mammoth task. With our help, it will quickly feel feasible to you. We examine your HR processes and are available as sparring partners, advise you on the diversification of your supply chain and work with you to develop campaigns and initiatives for the integration of specific target groups. This is how your diversity management will be a success.